Monday, September 7, 2015

WATCH: Christina Aguilera vs Neon Neon - Dirrty Raquel outtake video

Hi there.

Here's a video for one of my mashups from 2014.

The intention was to upload it last year along with the original mashup - and although I never got the chance to complete it due to some hardware issues it is at least worth a watch for the dancing tigers.

If you like this be sure to check out my other mashups.

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

LISTEN: Rihanna vs Mansun - Don't Stop The Wide Open Space - New Mashup

Hi everyone! Time for a brand new mashup from me:

Rihanna vs Mansun - Please Don't Stop The Wide Open Space.

This mashup was created using a pretty decent unofficial acapella version of 'Please Don't Stop The Music' by Rihanna, and the Jon Fleming remix of Wide Open Space by Mansun. Listen out for the authentic vinyl crackle!

If you would like to hear my other mashups please click here. And to be the first to hear about my new music which I will be sharing over the coming months you can always follow me on Twitter (@NiallSpence) or hit like on my facebook page:

Thanks for listening!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

LISTEN: My Top 5 Personal Favourite Mashups

A couple of weeks back I posted on the site a playlist of my most played mashups. As well as this I thought it might be cool to post which of the mashups are my personal favourites for any fans visiting this site for the first time.

Simply click play on the playlist below to hear the mashups I most enjoyed creating.

If you would prefer to watch these videos on the YouTube site click here.

These are my own personal choices but if you would like to hear my most popular mashups click here.///Insert link to other post here///

Friday, January 23, 2015

LISTEN: Top 5 Most Viewed Mashups

Hi there!

Seen as I've got quite a few mashups over on my YouTube channel I though it might be a good idea to highlight some of my most popular mashups so new fans can easily hear the mashups that other people have listened to the most.

So if you are a new visitor or just fancy listening to my most viewed mashups, simply checkout the playlist below:

Click this link to watch on YouTube.

If you like the sound of these be sure to check out my other mashups here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2014 Mashups

Click on the video/link below to hear all my mashups from 2014:

Watch on YouTube

If you like the sound of these then be sure to checkout my mashups from 2013.